Phew ~ Glad I made it !
Feeling absolutely excited today. Today is the Father's Day kan ?
Awwwww...So this is the time to see, which celebration is merrier ? Is it the Mother's Day or the Father's Day?
Yes ! Perhaps the first one is better than the latter...kot ? HAHA.
So, let us just make it simple but yet still meaningful .
Just a wish from your son here :
"Abah, happy father's day. May Allah's blessings will always be with you in whatever you do. Please stay healthy. Please stay strong. I am so sorry for any of my actions did annoyed you. Please forgive all my wrongdoings from the day I was born to the end of my chapter. InsyaAllah, I will surely pray for your happiness in the world and freedom in the Akhirat. Pray for my success. I promise to my you proud. One day, you'll stand proud ! "
Happy Father's Day , Abah !
P/S : How about the Father's Day celebration ? The next entry reveals everything !
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